Vianova among 20 suppliers to be selected by AI4Cities for Phase 2
Vianova has been selected to take part in Phase 2 of the AI4Cities Project, an ambitious EU-funded program aiming to help cities accelerate their transition towards carbon neutrality.
About the project
The project is looking for AI solutions that can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the fields of mobility and energy, two domains responsible for 82% of all greenhouse gas emissions in European cities.
10 suppliers in the Mobility Lot and 10 suppliers in the Energy Lot have been selected to continue to Phase 2 of the AI4Cities Pre-Commercial Procurement project. During this phase the selected suppliers will get the opportunity to create the first prototype of the solutions they proposed in Phase 1 of the project. Phase 2 started this month and will last until December 2021, after which the Buyers Group will make the final shift and choose the six suppliers (three in each lot) that will continue to the final phase of the project.
Each of the selected suppliers will be supported in this by the partner cities of the Ai4Cities project – each city has been paired to two solutions in each Lot. The suppliers have three months to do work on their prototype, following which the Buyers Group will decide which contractors go on to Phase 3 of the project. In this Phase the developed solutions will be tested in a minimum of two cities.
The AI4Cities Buyers Group consists of lead procurer Forum Virium Helsinki (representing the city of Helsinki), Cap Digital (representing Paris Region), the city of Amsterdam, the city of Copenhagen, the city of Stavanger, and the city of Tallinn. These six cities and regions have developed ambitious strategies and policy plans to become carbon neutral by 2050.
In AI4Cities they joined forces to go through a PCP process, aiming to procure non-market-ready solutions which can help them accelerate their transition to carbon neutrality by utilizing artificial intelligence and related enabling technologies – such as big data applications, 5G, edge computing, and IoT. Their choice to focus on energy and mobility-related challenges are informed by the fact that these two domains are responsible for 82% of GHG emissions in Europe’s cities.
About Vianova
Vianova helps cities build their post-covid transport systems thanks to data from connected electric vehicles. Its core product, Cityscope, is a web-based software application to support the visualization and evaluation of transportation data, particularly data provided by shared mobility fleets. The data platform aggregates historical and real-time data and provides cities with decision-making insights.
Vianova's technology uniqueness resides in four major areas:
- A bilateral and secured data exchange between transport authorities and operators,
- A scalable data warehouse to ingest a large amount of vehicles telemetries and provide management signals and alerts,
- An industry-leading GDPR proof system,
- Proprietary aggregation and machine learning algorithms.
Within a consortium with Rebel Group, Vianova will develop an AI-powered tool in order to promote decarbonisation and more vibrant cityscape: the “Mobility Policy AutoTune’ tool (MPAT). Through this project, Vianova will receive financial support to further develop its solution in accordance with the input provided by the AI4Cities Buyers Group. After a period of three months, the Buyers Group will evaluate which of these suppliers will continue to Phase 3, the testing phase of the PCP.
About Vianova:
Vianova is a data platform that helps cities and mobility providers better integrate and manage shared, connected, electric and autonomous transport solutions in the urban space, enabling better use of city infrastructure, and promoting safer and more sustainable mobility. Vianova is currently working with +40 cities and +50 transport providers across the world.
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Contact details:
More information about these suppliers and their solutions will be published soon on the AI4Cities website. For more information, email
More information about Vianova can be found on the website or by reaching out to Thibaud Febvre, COO,, +33 6 08 84 41 67